CSHTML file extension

You can open file with CSHTML using special software abopted to do this. In order to open CSHTML file download one of the software.

How to open CSHTML file

File type:
ASP.NET Razor Web Page
Web files

Razor (ASP.NET view engine that is used to create Web pages for a user's Web browser) C# HTML webpage file that is similar to a default ASP.NET webpage (ASP or ASPX file) but uses a bit different syntax. This file runs on a Web server that creates the HTML for the client Web browser. Using Microsoft Visual Studio this file may be programmed with syntax highlighting and Intellisense code suggestions. CSHTML files are similar to VBHTML (Visual Basic HTML) files but they use closer to the C# language syntax instead of Visual Basic language syntax.

How to open file with CSHTML extension?

Similar file formats and extensions.