MARKDOWN file extension

You can open file with MARKDOWN using special software abopted to do this. In order to open MARKDOWN file download one of the software.

How to open MARKDOWN file

File type:
Markdown Documentation File
John Gruber
Developer files

Written with one of several variants of the Markdown language text file that used plain text formatting but with inline text symbols that specify how the text should be formatted (for example *bold* mark for bold text). The file was made to write documentation in plain text that can be easily conberted to HTML. Markdown files can be used also with source code version control systems. Markdown files also use MD, MDOWN and MARKDN file extensions.

How to open file with MARKDOWN extension?

Daring Fireball MarkdowngVimMicrosoft Notepad
Apple TextEditBare Bones TextWranglerDaring Fireball Markdown
MacroMates TextMate
Daring Fireball MarkdownGNU EmacsVim

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