CPIO file extension

You can open file with CPIO using special software abopted to do this. In order to open CPIO file download one of the software.

How to open CPIO file

File type:
Unix CPIO Archive
Encoded files

Generated using the Unix CPIO (Copy In, Copy Out) format (uncompressed file container format that is used to group files together) file package that is similar to a TAR package and may be compressed into a CPGZ file with Gzip compression. CPIO files may be created and extracted with the "ditto" BSD tool or the Java Commons Compress API.

How to open file with CPIO extension?

Apache Commons CompressPeaZip
Apache Commons CompressApple Archive UtilityDare to be Creative Archiver
Apache Commons CompressdittoGNU cpio

Similar file formats and extensions.