AVENIRPROJ file extension

You can open file with AVENIRPROJ using special software abopted to do this. In order to open AVENIRPROJ file download one of the software.

How to open AVENIRPROJ file

File type:
StoryMill Project
Mariner Software
Data files

StoryMill (software for Mac OS that is used for writing books) project file with written chapters and information for book actors, scenes and locations inside. This file also includes tasks and research data for the writing process. These files may be exported to such file formats as DOCX, DOC, HTML, PDF, RTF, RTFD and WEBARCHIVE. StoryMill version 3.0.2 and newer versions use STORYMILL files instead of AVENIRPROJ files.

How to open file with AVENIRPROJ extension?

Mariner StoryMill

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