AB1 file extension

You can open file with AB1 using special software abopted to do this. In order to open AB1 file download one of the software.

How to open AB1 file

AB1 Icon
File type:
DNA Electropherogram File
Data files

This file stores raw DNA information that was captured using a scientific instrument and output from Applied Biosystems' Sequencing Analysis Software. It includes an electropherogram and the DNA base sequence that may be opened with a DNA viewer software.

How to open file with AB1 extension?

Applied Biosystems Sequencing Analysis SoftwareBioEditCubicDesign DNA Baser
Geospiza FinchTVGSL Biotech SnapGene 1Technelysium Chromas Lite or ChromasPro
Applied Biosystems EditView or 3100 Conversion UtilityGeospiza FinchTVGSL Biotech SnapGene

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